Everyone sees the world through their own unique filter (by the way the individual interprets the world they live in). I want to the show the world through my own filter by using photographic images. Photographic images are an effective way to express thoughts and feelings through the lens of a camera.
Constructively focusing imagination to ultimately search and discover a greater reality through the examination of a relationship to God finding acceptance and a deeper, richer understanding and acceptance of the world we live in. Using lighting, composites of images, digital illustrative manipulation, and straight images I am able to show both the internal and external of circumstances.
The camera takes the mind into a dreamlike world of the imagination where the mind can play with the straight images of the outside to question and connect with a higher power, and at the same time trying to draw conclusions about who God is and where are God’s priorities. It is through community that we experience healing; we can draw from that a source of strength.